Saturday, September 10, 2011

Battling For The Soul Of A Nation!


Battling For The Soul Of A Nation!

911 has been in my thoughts as we view news clips of a decade past. Hearts with hope that day crushed by the impact of the terrible attack on America. Innocence robbed from so many youth as they in their prime years viewed such loss in their homes and families. Firefighters, so valiant, officials giving up their lives to rescue others. Many still trying to make sense of it all, when only God holds the answers for our lives.

It seemed that early morning as the planes flew into the towers and the Pentagon that God had taken His hand of protection off of America. There was a breach called sin that the enemy could penetrate and he did.
How well has America recovered? How well have adjacent nations done in their own country to deal with deep seated sin issues at hand. Can this war against terrorism be fought in conventional ways or do God's prophets and others need to remain in the prayer closet and battle for the soul of a nation.

We are no longer calling sin, sin in many churches. The Word of God has been sacrificed, for lunches and flowery messages that tickle the soul without bringing life changes so necessary for our nation to survive. Throughout scripture the protection of a nation is in direct correlation as to whether or not that nations God is the Lord.

Do those who are not walking with Jesus have a right to that protection? Does a nation who is now permitting same sex marriage, as does Canada, have a legal right to protection? Sin is a reproach to any nation. We have removed the ten commandments from our schools and teach our children instead that alternate lifestyles are okay and condone them. We want our schools protected and yet have thrown the Lord out of our them. Gone is the day that prayer starts the day in our classrooms.

May God help us to get it right. These are not the only sins in our nation and all sin is grievous to a Holy God. Sin separates man from God and so we must ALL lay aside our sin if we are to live in peace and have protection. It starts in the house of God! What are we preaching from our pulpits? Are we walking in the whole counsel of God or do we walk in fear of man? God loves the sinner, and the Lord knows each heart and that we are but dust, but now is the time for lasting change that can only come through true repentance.

Now is the time to repent of sin. The doors are open and the Trojan horse has entered and the enemy is already in our nations just waiting to strike again. Canada is not exempt and yesterday when hearing of the quake on Vancouver Island the Lord had me begin to repent of the sins in our nation, naming some. We are at a crossroads and it is NOW that we must make a decision to be hard on sin and eradicate it from our individual lives. Leadership needs to examine their hearts and see if there is any wicked way in them. How can they lead a people if they are walking in sin themselves? The blind cannot lead the blind and so we must pray without ceasing for lasting change.

Pray for our enemies and pray for those that despitefully abuse us and persecute us. Pray also for the peace of Jerusalem as we see it heating up in the middle east. There is a direct correlation to the nations of the earth whose God is the Lord and their walking in peace.

To the Nations leaders, open your eyes to the Word of God and see that if you come against Israel in trying to divide Gods land that you are coming against the Lord.

In remembering 911 know that we are still battling for the soul of a nation. Let us pray and intercede each doing our part. Perhaps Joplin could have been averted, and 911 never happened had the body of Christ been fervent in prayer and intercession. Let us repent of OUR sin, and move on to a new place in God. A place of prayer and intercession that overturns the world and forever changes it for good.

Let us watch and pray standing on guard for our nation knowing that Christ is the only answer for ALL nations and that He would have all men to come to the knowledge of the truth.

1I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 1 Timothy 2: 1-2

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