The Kingdom Of God Is Within
Never become satisfied where you are at in God. Never become complacent but always desire to go deeper and know Me more fully. My presence is fullness of joy. At my right hand are pleasures forevermore. Seek first the Kingdom of God and My righteousness and all things will be added to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Desire My presence above all else. Desire Me and I will give to you all that is in the Kingdom, to further it FOR MY GLORY! Though the earthly Kingdoms shake and crumble, the Kingdom of God will last forever. The Kingdom of God is within you. I am doing a work in the hearts of My remnant. I am doing a lasting work NOW in My children. I call you children because I said that unless you become as little children you will not enter the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God has come. It is within you. Open your eyes and see even where I have placed you for My glory now and in the future. You have been strategically placed, that others might come to know Me. I am putting people around you and they may not be who you would choose but they are the needy that need to learn of Me, that need salvation and freedom and need to grow up into mature sons and daughters of the Lord. This is your place of deeper learning. For many seasons you have been fed but now in turn you are feeding My sheep. Did I not say to Peter, if you love me, feed My sheep three times?
It is now a time to see the fields for they are white to harvest. Feed My Sheep! Feed them for they are hungry. Feed them for they are lost. Feed them for they are in hospitals dying without Me. If you love Me then feed the hungry, feed the lost, feed the dying with heavenly manna that they might never thirst again. This is the message of the Kingdom, love joy and peace in the Holy Spirit. Sow love, sow joy, sow peace in the Spirit to those that are hungry for I will lay them on your path, I will take you to them, and bring them to you.
You have entered a new season of understanding My will in a deeper way. You are beginning to have new understanding to that which I am doing. Behold I do a new thing in your heart. I am stretching you. It is about the needs of others. It is about being strategically placed to meet those needs. You are a vessel that is open to being used. Shine as a light on a hill that cannot be hid and do not hide your light under a bushel. In other words, be available to be used by Me, instant in season and out for the greater glory of My Kingdom. My light will shine in you. They will see My love and it will draw them as a bee is drawn to honey. Trust Me and I will fulfill My promises in you.
Come against all that is coming against you and your family and have new hope that the dead bones will live. They dry places will be watered again. Hearts that have been parched, because of a lack of My Word will be watered again. The Kingdom of God will come within them as you intercede fervently for your family to be stirred. Do not be surprised at that which I will do and do not think that I move in conventional ways, for the ways of My Spirit are according to My Word and will. Kingdom purposes will be fulfilled even in the storms of life. They are often used for the greater glory so pray, watch and see that which I will do.
I am going to be manifested in you, in your family, in the body of Christ and the Kingdom of God will burn in their hearts. Did not the disciples say, that their hearts burned within them? I am kindling a new fire in your heart. I have heard the cry. I have seen the need and desire for more of Me. I said this is a new season so enter it with joy and expect greater things for the Kingdom of God. My love for you has no end. Fear not but put your trust in Me and I will fulfill My word in you.
But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come on you. Luke 11:20
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